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class 12 unit 4 technology Hyperloop question answers


Working with words

A. Choose the correct words from the box to complete the following sentences.

freight         levitation        gridlock         pneumatic         predecessor

envisioned     equivalent     subsonic         turbulence     deceleration

a. I think that covering up the facts is equivalent to lying really.

b. If there is not a substantial move to public transport, we will have gridlock and the whole regeneration will not work.

c. Each new leader would blame his predecessor for all the evils of the past.

d. We have, in fact, envisioned a better world and have made it happen.

e. The main linear actuators of the pneumatic systems are cylinders

f. The barrel was short and the bullet emerged at subsonic speed.

g. The city is said to receive two-fifths of the total freight delivered in the country.

h. It would still take four hours to get down, in a spiral of deceleration.

i. Apparently, the magician will be doing some levitation on the stage tomorrow.

j. we might be expecting turbulence on this flight due to an approaching electrical storm.


B. Add three more words that are formed with the following prefixes.

a. hyper- : hyperloop, hypercorrection,          hyperactive,               hypertension

b. ultra- :  ultrahigh,                 ultraviolet,                    ultrafashionable,          ultramodern  

c. up-:     uphill,                        upward,                       upcoming,                   update

d. over-:  overcoming,            overcorrection,            overact,                       overage

e. multi-: multibillion,               multicultural,                multilingual,                 multimedia



Answer the following questions.

a.    What is a hyperloop? How does it work?

A hyperloop is an ultra-high-speed ground transportation system for passenger and cargo. It works in a way where a floating pod which shoots through giant low-pressure tubes. The pods carrying passenger travel through tubes or tunnel in which most of the air is removed to reduce friction.  

b.    How is hyperloop more beneficial than the traditional trains?

Hyperloop is an advance model of technology which is more faster, cheaper and less polluting environment than the traditional trains.

c.    Does hyperloop have a successful history? How?

yes, There are many successful experiment similar to the hyperloop in the history. The crystal palace Pneumatic Railway used air pressure to push a wagon uphill and a vacuum to drag it back down. In this way hyperloop has successful history.

d.    Write the contributions of Robert Goddard and Elon Musk for the development of hyperloop.

Robert Goddard has developed the concept of 'vactrain' early in the twentieth century and Elon Musk has developed the concept of modern system. He proposed 'hyperloop Alpha' which set out how a modern system would work and how much it would cost. 

e.    What relation does speed have with air resistance? Explain.

Air resistance is one factor which stops the vehicle to move smoothly. Air resistance depends on the area and shape of the object. The pointed object moves faster than flat object because pointed object get less air resistance.  

f.     What are hyperloop capsules compared with? How are they similar?

Hyperloop capsules are compared with air hockey game. It is similar to the way that the puck floats just above the table on an air hockey game.

     g. How do the passengers feel while travelling via hyperloop? What will be done to make it luxurious?

Travelling via hyperloop might be an uncomfortable experience, due to nausea- including acceleration, plus lateral G-force on bends in the route. Travelling will make luxurious by making acceleration and deceleration in gradual motion, beautiful landscape will be displayed in the cabin, and passenger will have their own personal entertainment system.  

g.    Why does the writer doubt about the success of hyperloop? What does the success depend on?

The success of hyperloop depends on the destination, local economy, and geography. Another factor is whether it can carry many people at a same time or not. The success depends on the engineering hurdles to overcome , like building the tube strong enough to deal with the stress of carrying the high speed pods and finding energy –and cost- efficient ways to keep them operating at low pressure.

Critical thinking

This section of the text is for developing the ability to think critically. On the basis of the following points you can discuss or make you own idea.


a. Is the hyperloop the future of transportation or just a dream? What do you think?

Justify your opinion with suitable reasons.

·         I think it is not a dream, it can be success in near future.

·         Before the invention of computer people had not thought about it.

·         There are thousands of examples of inventions which we hadn't imagined before.

·         Scientist has made a clear idea about hyperloop which easily convince us. Therefore we have to be hopeful to the inventions of the scientists.

·         Imagine that was there smart phones  in your hand before 20 years. No there were not. But now it is common. Did you thought that one day you will have smart phone?



b. The number of private vehicles is increasing day by day in Nepal beyond the

capacity of our infrastructure. What do you think should be done to curb the

ever-growing number of private vehicles? Discuss.

Ø  It is critical traffic situation of our country.

Ø  There is only one east west highway as a main way to join the all part of country. All the vehicles moves on it. We don't have alternative way to travel. So all the private and public vehicles are bound to run over it. Air traffic is only few, there is no any water transport and no railway line.

Ø  There is poor management in public transport system. People hardly ride in public bus.

Ø  They wish to travel by bike, or private car or the car in reserve.

Ø  Therefore there are more private vehicles on the way.

Ø  I think that our government has not any long term plan to manage this system.

Ø  Due to the traffic jam people spend much time to pass a short distance.

Ø  Road accident is also the reason of more traffic on the way.

The following things should be done to curb the ever –growing number of private vehicles.

Ø  The road should be widened.

Ø  The parking area should be allocated.

Ø  Public transportation system should be improved.

Ø  Rail way line should be established.

Ø  Public bus like sajha yatayat should be improved and luxurious.

Ø  Long bus could carry many people at a same time so they are encouraged to move on.

Ø  People should encouraged to travel on public transport.    

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