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class 12 unit 2 family question answers


Unit two question answers 

Cross word puzzle

1. The custom of having more than one wife at the same time=Polygamy

5.      To find an acceptable way of dealing with opposing ideas, needs etc.=reconcle

6.      The process in which towns, streets, etc. are built where there was once countryside=Urbanization

7.      The process by which somebody learns to behave in an acceptable way in their society= Socialization 


1.      Ruled or controlled by men=Patriarchy

2.      The act of taking over a position=succession

3.      Done in a way without caring if people are shocked= blatant

4.      single-parent=lone-parent

B.  Find the meanings of the following family-related words and use them in your own sentences. Nuclear family: a family consisting parents and their children only.                                              

   Sentence   : I live in a nuclear family my parents love me and my sister.

Monogamy:The practice of marrying or state of being married to one person at a time.

    Sentence: we have promised to be monogamy family in our life. My husband never married other girl.

Sibling-in-law:Brother-in-law or sister-in-law

     Sentence: My brother-in-law lives in America and sister-in-law lives in Nepal.

Milk kinship: A relationship by blood or milk.

                 : you are in milk kinship relation with you brother. Therefore your blood group  may match.


                 Based on kinship with the mother or the female line

              : she is my sister from matrilineal line.

Nepotism:The practice in which a relative or favoring person is selected without his/her ability.

               : in Nepal people are selected in job on the basis of nepotism. Maternity:The period during pregnancy and shortly after childbirth, motherhood

             : the government is planning to work for improving the condition of maternity.


A.      The following words are from the above text. Each word has two parts. polygamy unmarried, nontraditional, dissolution, inequitable

poly, un, non, dis and in are prefixes. They make new words when they are added to the beginning of other root words.poligami

Make at least five words using the prefixes given. Consult a dictionary to learn how they change the meaning of root words.

Pre-  preconception, prepaid, Pretest, preposition, precaution

Semi-,semifinal, semiacid, semiangle, semiannual, semicircle, 

Sub- subagency, subbred,subconscious,subdistrict,

 Mis- misfortune, mistake, misbehavior, misunderstand, misguide,

Mono- monoxide, monopoly, monologue, monophony, monography

Un- unmarried, unhappy, unlucky, unfortunate, uncomfortable,

In-  informal, lnbetween, incorrect, inability, incase,

 Inter-. Intermediate, international, interpersonal, interact, interaction


A.            The headings of the first five paragraphs of the above text are given below. Write paragraph number next to them.

a.              Patriarchal family {paragraph no 3}

b.             Functions of the family {paragraph no 2}

c.              Modern model of family {paragraph no 4}

d.             Effects of industrialization on family structure 5

e.              Defining family {paragraph no 1}


B.            Answer the following questions.

          a.              What type of family is thought to be the oldest form of the family?

Ans:Nuclear  family is thought to be the oldest form of the family.

       b.             How does a family provide security to its members?

Ans: family provides emotional and psychological security particular through the warmth, love, and companionship to its member. 

       c.              What were the features of medieval European family?

Ans:The features of medieval European family were male-dominated and extended.

       d.  What caused the dissolution of extended families in the west?

Ans:Many people, particularly unmarried youths, left farms and went to urban centres to become industrial workers which led to the dissolution of many extended families in the West.

          e.              What change occurred in gender role in the modern family that emerged after the Industrial Revolution?

     Ans:After the Industrial Revolution many changed occurred in the family structure and gender role. Male and female were equally started to involve in family affair. Woman started to earn and men started to support female in their household activity and raring children etc.

       f.              What is family law?

Ans:Family law is defines the legal relationships among family members as well as the relationships between families and society at large.

       g.             How is modern marriage defined?

Ans: Modern marriage is define as a voluntary union, usually between a man and a woman

       h.             What do special family courts try to do?

Ans: Special family court tries to attempt deal more fairly with sensitive issues of family and their offspring.

       i.               What does the legislation on child labour and child abuse declare?

Ans:The legislation on child labour and child abuse declares that Compulsory education is need to every child's and also asserts society’s responsibility for a 

child’s best interests.

       j.               What is common among most legal systems regarding property?

Ans:Most legal regarding property system means of dealing with division of property left by a deceased family member.

 Critical thinking

a.             What changes have started to occur in Nepali families in recent days? What impacts will they bring on the society? Discuss.

This is the time to think critically. Now make your ideas about the following aspects. Discuss in pair or group.

-Family structure of past days and present.

-What are the factors to make change in family structure?

- why are the people in favour of nuclear family?

- husband is living in abroad and his wife is living town for the better education of children. Is it right?

-what types of gender role  is expected in Nepali society? Is there any practices of equality?

- how does change in family structure affect the ideology of the society?


b.             We see many elderly people in the elderly homes these days in Nepal. Some of them are abandoned while others live there willingly. Do you think Nepali people are deviating from their traditional culture? Give reasons.

-In Nepali culture extended family has been practiced long before.

- elderly people are respected and all household activities are shared.

-elderly people are respected and they has planned and managed all the activites of family management. So families were united.

But now Nepali people are deviating from their traditional culture.

-       People prefer nuclear family. Nothing is listened to their elderly people.

-       Elderly people are taken as traditional and outdated people.

-       There is not mutual understanding and mutual respect to other in the family.

-       Some elderly people are rejected from their home and they are living in temples and public places.

  What do you want to add on this issue give your thought critically.

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