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unit 3 class12 sport Euro cup 2020 writing exercise and grammar



A.              The following passage does not have any punctuation marks. Punctuate it with appropriate punctuation marks.



      A lot of people try to get away from home for a few days each year for a holiday. There are lots of things to choose from and where you go depends on how much money you've got to spend; ideas for holidays include relaxing on a beach, exploring cities and skiing. One man wanted to go to Australia but thought he'd never have enough money to get there. He will go to his brother’s caravan at the seaside instead a young woman wanted to go clubbing in Ibiza as she'd heard it's a lot of fun.

A.               Write a news story based on the given information.

Argentina beat Brazil to win Copa America

by Reuters


first major title in 28 years

first medal for Lionel Messi in a blue-and-white shirt

Di Maria goal gave them a 1-0 win over Brazil

15th Copa America equal to Brazil

Brazil piled on the pressure but they could not get an equaliser

Brazil - more aggressive in the second half

Argentine defence - outstanding


Argentina beat Brazil to win Copa America

By Reuters


In the Copa American match Argentina beat Brazil by 1-0 goal. In the final game a brilliant player Di Maria goal had given a goal 1-0 over Brazil. It was the first major title in 28 years history for Argentina. Best player Lionel Messie got the first medal in a blue –and-white shirt. In the second half Brazil was more aggressive but they couldn't get equalizer. Argentina's defense was outstanding which lead them to be winner.   

B.             We can see many countries competing to host the great international sport events like the World Cup Football. But, there are arguments that hosting an event like World Cup Football can have more problems than benefits. What do you think? Write your arguments in favour or against hosting an international sport event in about 500 words.

Some tips to write your argument about hosting international sport events.

·         It is a challenging job to host international sport event.

·         There are many infrastructure has to be built- like international stadium, where thousands of people could watch live game, its decoration, its lighting, and its coloring etc.

·         Restaurant and living place has to be constructed. In the internal sport event a hosting country invites many VIP persons of other country like-presidents, Prime-minister, Sport minister and other renowned person. The hosting country has to manage their fooding and living in sophistical manner. In case of poor management, they criticize the hosting country.

·         Security is another part of organization. All the people of the world are not having same heart. Some of them may have motive for criminal activity, or cheating act, or robbery interest. In this aspect the hosting country should admit temporary guard and train for the existing security system. Security part of players is another important part to be considered.

·         Traffic management is also important part. Due to the crowd or huge follow of people there may be insufficient vehicles or air craft. Therefore hosting country should careful to this aspects.

·         Hospital should be kept in proper condition. Specialists should be ready position.

·         Environmental aspect should be taken into attention. The road should be smooth and fine. The public place should be clean. It is an honour or prestige of the hosting country so country should be neat and clean. In course of sport event many waste materials may gather. So hosting should think about their management.

·         Overall economic factor is the most important factor to be considered. Developing country can't manage these types of international sport events. It may be challenging for the developed country therefore it has to search for the financial support from the other nations too.

In spite of these challenges, there are many opportunities or benefits for the hosting nation.

·         The hosting country gets honour and prestige. This type of sport event attracts the attention of the people of the world. People from generation to generation remember the sport event and the hosting country. It helps to establish friendship and core relation among the countries and with the VIP people of the world.

·         The chances of employment is increased in the process of construction. Tourism sector gets chance to be prosper. Hotel and restaurant gets advantage and chance to grow their income.

·         The government gets better economic benefit from sport event. They get more tax from more income of the business holders. They can earn from entry ticket fee.  Many people make passport to enter the hosting nation.

·         They can introduce their cultural, language, tradition, relagion and national interest.

·         The players of hosting nation get advantage of home ground. 


There are many advantage in hosting sport events in spite of many challenges. It is based on the economic condition of the country and their management system.


On the basis of given points you can construct a paragraph and also add you own words to make your better writing.  


Determiners and quantifiers

A.            Observe the following examples.

a.              People have unethical justifications for all their actions.

b.             Americans throw away around 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour.

c.              Around 2 billion litres of human and industrial wastes are dumped into it

each day.

d.             All of these create the illusion of complete pleasure at our fingertips, with

none of the hassles of pain.

e.              If a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the whole ocean does not become    dirty.

The words in bold face in the examples above are called determiners and quantifiers. We use determiners to identify things (the book) and we use quantifiers to say how much or how many (a few drops). The following table shows the determiners and quantifiers in English.







Definite article: the

Indefinite articles: a/an

Possessives: my, your, his, her, our, their, its

Demonstratives: this, that, these, those.

Interrogatives: which, what

any, all, many, much, most, some, a few, a lot of, a little, none and the car- dinal numbers (one, two, three), etc.


B.            Complete the following sentences with muchmanyfew or little.


     We use much and many in the sense of more than one. Much is agrees with uncountable noun and many agrees with countable noun. Similarly few or little are used to express small amount. Few is used with countable noun and little is used with uncountable noun.

a.              He is an introvert. He has got very few friends.

b.             I am busy in preparing my examinations. I have very little time to give

to you.

c.              The entire winter season was dry this year. We had little rain.

d.             Our town has almost been modernized. There are few old buildings left.

e.              You can come today. I haven’t got much to do.

f.              The party was crowded. There were too many people.

g.             How many photographs did you take while you were in Switzerland?

h.             There was few traffic so I came in time.

i.               Can I borrow many books from you?

j.               Mohan can’t be a good teacher. He has little patience.

C.            Put each or every in the following sentences.

a.              The party split into three factions, each faction headed by a former

prime minister.

b.             Leap years occur every four years\

c.              Every parent worries about their children.

d.             We had a great time in Singapore. We enjoyed each minute of our time.

e.              I could catch the main idea of his speech but I didn’t understand every of

his words.

f.              In Nepal, every motorcycle rider should wear a helmet.

g.             You must read each of these books for the exam.

D.            Rewrite the following sentences using all of, most of, none of, both of or some of.

a.              Your garden is superb. All of the flowers are beautiful.

b.             Do you know Bharat and Kamal? Of course, I do both of them are my friends.

c.              I bought a box of apples thinking it would be cheaper but I was mistaken some of them were rotten.

d.             When I was in the town, I asked some people for direction but none of them were able to help me. I had to call my friend.

e.              We all were soaked in the rain because none of us had carried an umbrella.

f.              My father is healthy in his seventies but he feels isolated because

Most of his friends are dead now.

g.             All of the tourists are not Chinese some of them are Korean too.

E.            Choose the best word from the brackets to complete the sentences.

a.              Give me the money I owe you. (which/the/a/an)

b.             I want a boat which would take me to the island. (the/an/those/a)

c.              Could you pour me some water, please? (many/few/these/some)

d.             Only a few employees know how important the project was. 

          (a few/a little/little/few)

e.              He was looking for an umbrella. (an/a/those/these)

f.              A large amount of water was evaporated due to excessive heat. (A large number of/ A lot of/ A large amount of/Many)

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