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class 12 unit 2 family writing exercise and grammar

 unit two writing and grammar exercise 


A.             Write an essay on The Importance of Family. In your essay, you can use these guiding questions.

·                Why family is important to you.

·                Why family is or is not important for society.

·                How you think families will change in the future.


On the basis of the following concept you can extend this and make an essay on your own words.

Family is the smallest unit of the society. In a family people are living together from the different linage and same blood relationship. In the family you may find a people who love, respect and care you. Family provides emotional and psychological security along with love and affection. Family encourages you to do better in your life. You never feel loneliness if you are in family. Family teaches that knowledge which we never get from any book of the world. It helps us to acculturate in our society. In time of our sickness, weakness, and jobless condition family support to you become strong.

Family is important for the society. In the absence there is not the existence of society. So family is a small unit of society. In the society there are social norms, tradition, and culture which we learn from family. To make ideal society a family plays vital role. We live in society where we can enjoy our tradition and share our cultural values and norms. A society is a combination of the people from different caste, gender, race, class etc. in the society we learn many thing for our better life.

Everything is changing in the world. Due to the modernization there are many changes in family structure and social assumption. Patriarchal role of the family member is changing into equal power to men and woman.  There are some good changes and there are some bad changes in our society. Due to the globalization we are giving priority to the western tradition of family structure and social aspect. Western people are not happy with their family structure. There is a gap between son and father and grandson and grandfather. But in our society we live together and grandfather is respected to his grandson and son. Therefore we have strong family relationship that we shouldn't destroy it.


B.             Some people think it is better to live in a nuclear family. Other people think that living in extended family is more advantageous. What do you think? Write an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of both.

Living in nuclear family and extended family both have some advantages and some draw backs. In comparison of these two, I prefer to live in extended family. In extended family all the members of four generations live together. One can learn many things from other in the extended family. There are more halping hands which help to work in farm or earn money. Their collective amount of income can invest in different sectors. New generations can learn many things from the old generation. Elderly people take care the small kids so their parents can get freedom to work or earn money. But this type of family has a major disadvantage i.e. misunderstanding between family members. In this case the guardian of the family should be very careful to the expectation of family member and their given responsibility and their settlement or economic security. Word should be allocated to all the active members in terms of their wish or skill. And there should be equality and respect to one another.


Modal verbs

A.            Study the given sentences carefully.

a.              Please read this letter for me. I can't see without my glasses.

b.             After working for a couple of years in China, I can speak Chinese now.

c.              When he was 40, he could earn six digit salary.

d.             After six hours' climbing, we were able to reach the summit.

e.              Yesterday, I lost my keys. I looked for them everywhere but I couldn't


B.            Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

a.              'How much was your parking ticket?' 'Fifty rupees.' 'Oh well, it must have been worse.

i.   could have                           ii. must have                 iii. should have

b.             It might have got lost in the post. These things happen sometimes.

i.   can't have                           ii. might have                iii. must have

c.              'Sorry I'm late. I got delayed at work.' 'You could have  called. I was really worried about you.'

i.   must have                           ii. could have                iii. would have

d.             'I don't think he meant to be rude.' 'He would  have said sorry.'

i.   must have                           ii. might have                iii. would have

e.              'Whose signature is this?' 'I don't know. It must be Manoj's. That looks

a bit like an M.'

i.   must                                    ii. could                         iii. should

f.              I had it when I left the office so I mustn't have lost it on the way to home.

i.   mustn't have                       ii. must have                 iii. should have

g.             You might think it's funny, but I think it's pathetic.

i.   might                                   ii. should                       iii. could

A.            Complete the following sentences with appropriate endings. Use correct modal verbs.

Example: She could be a doctor; however,…………….…………….

She could be a doctor; however, she preferred to be an advocate.

a.              At the end of the course, we will be able to do the task ourselves.

b.             If you want to earn a lot of money, you should work hard.

c.              You were not in your house yesterday. You couldn't complete the work.

d.             I'm quite busy tomorrow. I can't give you much time.

e.              When you were a small kid, you used to bite me.

f.              My car is broken. I can't take it in our tour.

f.              I've got a fast speed internet at home. I can download movies very fast.

g.             Even though she didn't study well, she has passed the exam.

h.             There are plenty of newspapers in the library. You can read them if you want.

i.               What do you think you were doing, playing in the road? You might get accident.  

j.               I have no time. I may call you later.

k.             You don't look well. You should visit a doctor.

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