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Class 12 unit two family word meaning

 Unit two                                Family



Before you read

a. Do you live in a small family or a big family? Which type of family do you like? Why?

b. How important is family to you? How important is it in your culture?

Some new words to deal with.

Lineages –descended line of offspring

Offspring- children /son and daughter

Dwelling- shelter/habitation

Existence- state of being

Dependents- the people relying on other member of family

Procreation- continue of generation

Patriarchal- male dominated /men ruled

Clans-group of people related by marriage or blood

Concubines- a woman living with a man who is not his wife

Accompanying –present together

Spawned- to be generated

Dissolution- disintegration of relationship/ fragmentation


Succession- the act of taking over position

Vestige- mark, sign

Emancipation- freedom

Legislation- act of making or enacting law

Viable- able to live on its own

Unilateral – one sided

Reconcile- to restore, to find an acceptable way of dealing with opposing ideas, needs etc.

Superseding- fixed position

Deceased- no longer alive or dead

Testament- legal document of a persons wishes regarding the disposal of their property when they die.

Intestate-  having made no legally valid will before death.

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