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class 12 unit three sports , Euro cup 2020 word meaning


Unit three                                   Sports

Euro 2020

Before we read

a.              What does UEFA stand for? Union of European Football Associations

b.             How many teams competed in Euro Cup 2020? 55 teams

c.              Which is your favourite team? Why? England, Italy

Some new words to enjoy

Soccer : football game  

Redemption : act of getting back something

Celebrate  : having fun of getting something important

amid : surrounded by people

mocking : ridicule, tease

dejection : a state of melancholic depression

decisive: to a turning point, make decision

mobbed : crowd of people

jubilant : delighted, triumph

plunged : to fall abruptly

podium : a platform raised above the surface level.

Backdrop: at the back side of the stage

Tickertape : a device showing number, score or news.

Streak : series

Barge: to push

Stewards : like police or guard

Robust: vigorous , strong

Reminiscent : recall of the past

Tipped: to knock over

Shuttered : to speak

Incredibly : extremely

Savor : to enjoy or relish

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