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Class 12 unit 4 technology hyperloop word meaning and introuduction

 4                                                            Technology                                                                                                                    


Before you read

a.       Do you know the means of transportation shown in the pictures? What are they?

           The means of transport shown in the pictures  looks like plane, train, and tunnel or  tube. 

b.      Do you enjoy travelling at high speed? How do you feel when you travel at high speed?

I haven't travel at high speed. I may feel shrilling while travelling at high speed. 

c.       What means of transportation do you think we will be using in 50 years' time? What makes you think so?

It is not sure what we will be using in 50 years' time. But we can think that we will get high speed air transport or high speed land transport like Hyperloop. I think it because the development of the technology.

Do you know the following words?

Freight : transportation of goods at cheaper rate.

Giant : Hugh or bulky

Explored: invented , discovered

Pods : detachable container

Levitation : act of raising from the ground

Gridlocked : traffic jam

Heritage : the practices that are handed down by the past tradition.

Pneumatic: using air or gas

Wagon: like cart

Predecessor : something that precedes

Entrepreneur  :  someone who organizes a business venture and assumes a risk for it.

Reignite: exciting with new idea

Envisioned : seen in the mind as a mental image.

Resistance :

Equivalent : equal to another value

Cushion: a soft bag filled with air.

Subsonic : air craft flying at subsonic speed. Speed in air

Velocity: distance travelled per unit time.

Turbulence: unstable follow of liquid or gas

Deceleration : the act of decreasing the speed

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