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Essay on tourism in Nepal


What are the famous tourist spots in Nepal? How the government should plan for the development of tourism? Write an essay about 250 words.

Tourism is an effective and profitable business of the world. People travel from one place to another place for many purpose such as for travelling, trekking, hiking, study, having entertainment, to spend leisure or vacation or to know the different culture and religion of the world. Nepal is the best destination for the tourist.

In Nepal Tourism Board of Nepal is established in 2016 B.S. tourism is growing as a bigger industry in Nepal. Nepal is very beautiful country in the world. It is rich in natural beauty, cultural heritage and historical monuments. The highest peak of the world is located in Nepal. God Gautam Buddha was born in Lumbini Nepal. The birth place of god Sidharth Buddha is in Nepal. It has many tourist spots such as Himalayan rivers, glaciers, large lakes, green valleys, waterfalls, national park and many more. There are many caste, culture and languages. You can find the climate of the world. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. Most of the tourist of the world could enjoy the natural beauty and as well as natural river and natural lifestyle of the people.

The government of Nepal is planning to develop the tourist spot each year. Hugh amount of budget is investing on the development of the infrastructure for the development of the tourism. In Nepal we have to focus on domestic as well as the foreign tourists. The government is in the process of repairing and restructuring the old monuments, temples, and buildings which were broken at the time of earth quake. It is planning widening the roads, building hotels and restaurant privately. Internal airports are under construction for the better facilities for the tourists.

We have to work for extend the staying time of tourist in Nepal. When a tourist stays in our country he learns many things and advertises our country in his country. They stay in the hotel and spend some money and buy some things. It helps to collect foreign currency in our country.

In conclusion tourism is a growing industry of our country from which we can collect foreign currency. In this industry many people directly or indirectly get job and earn money. Therefore to develop the nation the government should plan for the development of the tourism. There are many religious and naturally valuable things which we need to advertise. That helps to increase the follow of tourists.



Importance of education.

 Education is defined as the light of life, and valuable knowledge of living. It is defined as life itself not the preparation for the life or it is also the cultivation of life. Education makes a man social, civilized, progressive, friendly and wise. It provides knowledge and skill for our live. Without the education human are like only mammal animal. Education teaches to live happily in the time of difficulty and scarcities. The world of the day is the day of information and technology so education makes a person fit and adjustable in the ongoing changing society.

Many people know the importance but they can't try to deserve it. They compare it with the income and profit but that is wrong. Education explores our inner heart and makes us able to deal with the critical things of our life. To show the importance of education a Chinese philosopher has said, " if you plan for a year plant rice, if you plan for ten years plant trees and if you are planning for a hundred year educate the children. So education is that kind of investment of the nation which takes long time to provide profit.

Education begins from the home of a child. People can learn many things from formal class and informal classes. But learning from home and informal situation is not enough. They have to join the school for academic knowledge which is very useful for their life. But in our country there are many children outside the school environment. The government should plan further to participate them in the main stem of the country.

In conclusion, education is a weapon to acculturate a person in society and live happily. Furthermore, education is the strength and backbone of the country which help to develop the nation sustainably. No one should be missed from the chance of education. It is not only important for a particular person but also necessary for the sustainable development of the country

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