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The Piece of String

Guy De Maupassant



Guy de Maupassant was born in France. He is the 19th century French author. He is remembered as a master of the story. He is also a representative of Naturalist school. His stories often reflect human selfishness, wickedness, envy, greed, cruelty and injustices of humanity and other bad qualities. In the story "The Piece of String" he has presented injustice to a main character and false faces of society to the justice. Hauchecorn is a main character who didn't steal a wallet but accused of stealing a purse. He tries much to prove himself as innocent but nobody believes on him. 

It was a market day in Goderville of France. All the peasants and their wife go there to make trade. The people don't look very smart their and their body is a bit bending due to plough the land for whole week. They are wearing village garment. Some of these fellows dragged a cow or a calf at het end of rope. And their wives are whipping their animals. Woman were carrying large basket from which came forth the heads of chicken or ducks. Some wagon was passing by the road some are riding on them.

There is crowd in the town a mingle multitude of men and beasts. The horn of cattle, the high, long-napped hats of wealthy peasants, the headdresses of women come to the surface of that sea. And the sharp, shill, barking voices made a continuous, wild din, while above if occasionally raised a huge burst of laughter from the sturdy lungs of a merry peasant or a prolonged bellow from a cow tied fast to the wall of a house. There was the smell of the stable, of milk, of hay and of perspiration, giving off that half-human, half-animal odor that is peculiar to county folk.


Maitre Hauchecorn of Breaute had just arrived at Goderville, and he was directing his steps toward the public square when he perceived up on the ground a little piece of string. He thinks that everything is useful for him and bent to pick up a little piece of string from the street. When he sees his enemy M. Malandain is observing him, he is ashamed to be picking up a piece of string from the dirt, so he pretends he is looking for something else. From the start, therefore, Hauchecorn characterized as crafty and deceitful, misleading others about his intentions.


He was soon lost in the noisy and slowly moving crowd, which was busy with interminable bargaining. The women had taken out the chicken for selling and some people are having some dishes in Jourdain's. There were vehicles of all kinds, carts, gigs, wagons, dumpcarts are standing at the shop. They are busy in buying the goods in low price and the shopkeepers are busy in convincing the customers for getting high price. Some people are coming and some people are returning to their homes. They can buy the goods, foods, and animals in the market day. They are very careful to the venders who could cheat or steal the things. 

Suddenly the drum beat in the court before the house. Everybody pay attention to its jerky voice. It was told that there was lost this morning on the road to Benzeville, between nine and ten o'clock, a black leather pocketbook containing five hundred francs and some business paper. The people are requested to return to the mayor's office or to MaitreFortneHoulbreque of Manneville, there will be twenty francs reward. After sometime one officer comes and calls Hauchecorn to visit the mayor to his office. He frightens to the mayor and follows the officer. The mayor accuses him something picking up on the road Benzeville. Hauchecorn denied that he only picked up a little piece of string. But the mayor insisted that Monsieur Malandain has seen him picking a wallet and searching on the ground if there was other money. ButHauchecorn denied and repeated the same thing that he was taken only string. He requested them to search wallet in his body. They searched but didn't find anything on him.

The news had spread that an old man stole a wallet. The old man started to tell about his event when he picked up a string not a wallet to everybody. But nobody believes on him rather they laugh at his logic. The night came but he started to visit people and tell the story that he was innocent.

Next day about one pm, the lost wallet was found with 500 francs. The man couldn't read and gave that wallet to his employer instead of giving to MaitreFortneHoulbreque . Hauchecorn knows the news and gets happy and started to tell his story. Next week he goes to the market and a horse dealer man called him and told that it was a trick of old man, a story of string. Moreover he explained that there is one that finds and there is one that reports. At any rate he is mixed with it. He understood that they are still accusing him of stealing that purse. He tries to protest it but all the table began to laugh.

The more people accuse him, the more Hauchecorn insists he is innocent, becoming more and more elaborate and obsessed with his defense, which, ironically, leads him to be more and more disbelieved. His past comes back to haunt him, he becomes more and more but  peasant ridicule, and eventually some months later he gets sick and dies saying a piece of string, a little piece of string.

Question answers

a.      Why cannot Hauchecorne prove innocent even after the purse is found with the money?

It was assumed that Hauchecorne found a purse on the way. He was called in Mayor's office to ask about the thing which he has pick up from the street. Hauchecorne has picked up a piece of string. But his enemy has seen him picking something on the ground and thought that he might found a purse on the way. Then he has complained to the mayor that he saw Hauchecorne picking up a purse and search around if there is any other money. Hauchcorne takes out a piece of string from his pocket and shows the moyor and explains that it was only a piece of string and it is picked because which can be useful for any purpose. But the mayor laughs his logic. He believes that he is lying.  Next day, the lost purse is found. Hauchecorne gets excited because all the people's suspicion is getting over. But the situation is reversed people doesn't believe him that he was not found that purse. They believe that he found a purse and make a trick to cheat other people. 

b.      How is the character of Hauchecorne in your view? Evaluate him objectively.

In fact Hauchecorne is not a bad man. But he tries to be a good man of the society. He tries to prove hat he has not picked up a piece of string on the way. It was nonsense thing for them that he was picking a string a useless thing. The string was useful thing for him. He tries hundred time to prove him as innocent person but never be believed. He was obsessed person and tries to prove that he is the innocent person. But society doesn't believe him and he gets sick due to that ridicule event of his life and finally dies due to this piece of string. It was not necessary him to prove that he has not taken that purse, in one point people may realize that he has not taken the purse.  He is afraid of the social stigma that people wouldn't accuse him of that he find a purse on the way and doesn't return. So he started to tell all the people about his story of string. When people tell this story people started to laugh at him.

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