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A Respectable Woman by Kate Chopin- class 12 unit two English


Unit two

               A respectable woman

Kate Chopin

Kate Chopin is famous American novelist and short-story writer. In the story she has presented a female character "Baroda's" inner conflict as she finds herself attracted to her husband's friend.  

Mrs. Baroda is not much happy to know that her husband's friend Gouvernail is coming to spend a week or two on the plantation. She has heard about him many times but never seen before. He was her husband's college friend and working as journalist, he is the man of town than a village. She has made an image in her mind about her husband's friend as tall, slim, cynical, with eyeglasses, and his hands in his pockets; she doesn’t like him. When he arrives she finds nothing matching with the reality and her imagination. He is not much tall, cynical and not wearing eyeglasses. She rather likes him when he is presented himself. There no reason to her why she has liked her. She doesn't find any promising traits as her husband have. On the contrary he remains mute and receptive before her chatty eagerness to make him at home and in face of Gaston's frank and wordy hospitality. Her husband was like courteous towards her but his friend doesn't make direct appeal to her approval or even esteem.

Once they are planting when Gouvernail smokes his cigar lazily and listens attentively to Gaston's experience as a sugar planter. He doesn’t care to fish and displayed no eagerness to go out and kill groscvecs when Gaston proposed doing so.

Gouvernail's personality puzzles her. There are many dissimilarity between her husband and his friend but she likes him. Indeed, he was a lovable, inoffensive fellow. In this mood she leaves her husband and guest, for the most part, alone together. Her action doesn't matter to Gouvernail. She doesn't find any emotion in his heart. And asks when he is going to his home. She says that he is bothering her. Her husband tries to assure that he will not trouble her. Mrs. Baroda says, "No. I should like him better if he did, if he was more like others, and I had to plan somewhat for his comfort and enjoyment." He husband looks at her troubled eyes and helps in her dressing room. He tries to convince her wife as not to take any commotion (sexual excitement) over him.   Her husband has told her that he was clever but she doesn't find any commotion on him. Her husband gets agree with her wife as so lazy he is, he is run down by overwork now. She is expecting him to be interesting, at least. So she doesn't want to live there and tells that she is going to city to have her spring gown and return when his guest returns back to his home.

That a night she is sitting alone on a bench. She had never known her thoughts or her intentions to be so confused. He has the feeling of a distinct necessity to quit her home in the morning. In the darkness there appears a man with a cigarette in his hand. He sat beside her and gave white scarf which her husband had told him to bring for her. She doesn't have any interest to that cloth. The man wishes to talk to her 3and starts about night that is fresh and cold but she doesn't respond to him.

Gouvernail was not a self conscious man to the feelings of woman but this night his mood is different. He talks to her freely and intimately in a low, hesitating drawl that is not unpleasant to hear. He is talking about his college days with Gaston. She is vaguely getting what he was saying. She is not thinking in his words drinking in the tone of his voice. She wants to reach out her hand in the darkness and touch him with sensitive tips of her fingers upon the face or the lips. She wants to draw close to him and whisper against his cheek. The stronger impulsive grows to bring herself near him but she goes away from him because she thinks herself as a respectable woman.

Mrs. Baroda is greatly tempted that night to tell her husband but she keeps that secret. She says that there are some battles in life which a human being must fight alone.

When Gaston rise in the morning she has already gone to the town and doesn't return until Gouvernail lives that house. Gaston talks to bring him back in coming summer but his wife strongly doesn't allow him to bring back. But before a year ended she proposed her husband to go to visit Gouvernail. Her husband surprises and delights to her suggestions. Husband thanks his wife for overcoming her dislike for him. She laughingly says, "After passing a long, tender kiss upon his lips, I have overcome everything! You will see. This time I shall be very nice to him". 

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