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Every Morning I Wake by Dylan Thomas class 12, summary

Every morning I wake

Dylan Thomas

Dylan Thomas was born in Wales (1914 to 1953). He was famous for his lyrical and emotional poetry. He is largely known for his imaginative use of language and vivid imagery in his poems. He started working for BBC in 1945 and made radio plays under Milk Wood. "Every Morning I Wake" is an extract from "under the Milk Wood". in the poem, he prayed to the magnificent god to have mercy on ordinary inhabitants living under the Milk Wood.

Every morning the writer wakes up and prays to God for mercy upon the people of Milk Wood and the people of the world. He requested the god to give the little eyes to the prayers. All the poor creatures who are born must have to die one day. He not only prays to god for personal protection but also for all innocent creatures in the world. Similarly, every evening the poet prays to God to give the blessing on the town. He is unsure if the night is the last night of city inhabitants or not, but he always prays the almighty will make everything good and protect them from any possible harm. Our life is uncertain. The speaker expresses the uncertainty of life and death. The speaker prays to God before going to bed, but he doesn't know whether he'll see them again in the morning, so he asks for God to bless them. Every night's benefits from God enable us to see them the next day. In this world, neither people are wholly good nor bad. The people who are living in Milk Wood might good or bad. Only God could judge the good and worse activities of the people. He praises the god who only could see right and wrong, the good and bad nature of the people. God doesn't show any prejudice towards the people of the world. The poets' praying is not ended he would pray each day –morning, day, night, and next day. The speaker kneels before God, pleading for him to preserve them alive till morning. People might judge them in their own way it all depends on someone's perspective on how s/he judges others. But the speaker seems optimistic that God knows the best side of the inhabitants of milk Wood. Speaker prays that the night will be down soon and the delighting sun will re-appear. The night is used as the imagery in this poem. It points to the pains, stress, and sad days of the inhabitants of the town or the speaker himself. And he hopes for Almighty's help in their bad days. Last Good Bye, for now, represents the ending of a prayer. One day may come we have to say goodbye to the world and may live in another world after our death. 


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