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King leir and his three daughters by George Wharton Edward summary of the poem class 12 opt English


Chapter 1

King Leir and His Three Daughters

George Wharton Edward

George Wharton Edward was an American painter, illustrator, and writer. He showed an interest in art from a young age. From a young age, he was taken as a talented artist for his depictions of picturesque American and European scenes. This poem is a narrative ballade about the three daughters of King Lair. Three daughters were Ragan, Goneril, and Cordelia.

King Leir was a powerful king of England who had got three beautiful daughters. Once he wanted to examine which daughter would show him great love and respect. The king had a weakness that he believed in the flattery of the people. He asked his daughters who would love him much. The first daughter Goneril replied that she would love him very much. She promised to him that her blood shall render and she may cut her heart into two pieces for his happiness and never gave a chance to have any grief in his life. Similarly, the second daughter replied that she would love him very much. She vowed to take any sorrow and the worst thing of the world to provide him happiness. She would be ready to serve him day and night with love and affection. She would remove all the discomfort of the world for him. The turn went to his dearest daughter Cordelia who didn't like praise in flattery. She promised to provide him the love that could be shown to her father from a daughter. She would be responsible for the duty of a child to her father.

Her real love seemed very small to the king. He became angry with his young daughter Cordelia. Therefore he banished her from his country and divides his all property and kingdom to his two daughters. Poor Cordelia started wandering up and down.  At that time French king visited her in miserable condition.  Because of her beauty, he liked her and took her to France, and made her his wife. Then she became the queen of France.

The king started to live in his first daughter Regan's court. Her love for her father was declining. The king became a burden to her. She forgot her promise made before the king. Ragan was so clever and she took his all property but didn't provide him any sense of happiness. She reduced the number of people who worked for the king. She had given twenty and then reduced ten persons, and then three and finally she didn't give any worker for his comfort.  It was great grief for the king and wished to visit the second daughter Goneril. He told all the stories of his hatred to his second daughter. She patiently heard his morn but she didn't give any way to relieve him. She said him to stay there within her kitchen with her scullions.   

Then he returned to Regan's court again with full of tears in his eyes. He thought that he would be an example of the world. He got ready to live in her kitchen. But she commanded her worker to drive him away.  She became so cruel and didn't allow him to enter her gate. He regrets his decision. He thought whether it would be better to beg the property lately given to his daughter. It was his useless He remembered the words of his third daughter and realized his mistake. He became like a mad person. He looked like a street beggar- his hair was so white and there were bloodstains in his cheeks, ugly face, and dirty smell. By looking at his mourn the natural things like hills, woods, and watery fountains started to mourn. But his own daughter's heart didn't melt. He started to eat as beggar did, and became a homeless man, once he was a great powerful king of his kingdom.  

He made his journey to France where his daughter Cordelia was living as queen. He remembered the real words of his daughter. Her words were true but he didn't believe in reality. He regrets all the activities, he shouldn't have banished his dear daughter. When his third daughter Cordelia knew all about her father, she tried to provide him comfort and relief. She sent a high-class group of brave and noble people to bring him to Aganippus' court. She provided her love as a daughter could do for her father.  Cordelia went with her warrior to England to drive her sister away from the throne. There started a battle between England and France. The king in his old age joined in the battle and processed his crown again. Unfortunately, Cordelia died in the battle and he got fainted. He fell upon her breast. The king left his life on her bosom. It was a truly heart-touching event.

The lords and soldiers saw the last scene. The other sisters also died in their wish. The kingdom was started to rule by the member of their kinship people. This all showed a fall of pride And disobedient sin. 


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