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God Sees the Truth but Waits

 Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy’s short story 'God Sees the Truth, but Waits' first published in 1872 is about

the false conviction and imprisonment of a man for a murder he did not commit, and it takes the form of a parable for forgiveness. This short story "God Sees the Truth, But Waits" is a heart-touching tragic story which has been written by a Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. This story is about a young merchant named Ivan Dimitrich Aksionov who lived in Vladimir, a town of Russia. This story has presented the imprisonment of this main character for murder which he hadn't committed.

In the story,  Aksionov was quite a handsome , fair-haired, curly-heased fellow, full of fun, and very fond of singing. He had two shops and a horse.  Before marriage, he used to drink much and even become riotous. After marriage, he gave up much drinking expect now and then. He had a wife with small kids. Once, during summer, Aksionov planned to go to Nizhny fair to sell his goods. Before setting off, his wife told him about bad dream. She dreamt that her husband had returned with gray hair from the town. Aksionov laughed to her remark and told that that was the sign of luck. When he had travelled half –way, he met a merchant whom he knew. They planned to live in a same inn for the night. They had tea together and went to bed in adjoining room. As his habit get up early morning and started his journey.

When he had gone about twenty-five miles, he stopped for the horses to feed. He took rest there and began to play his guitar. At the meantime, two soldiers and a district officer came to him and questioned him about a merchant Ryazan whom he had slept at night at same building. The officer asked, where did he sleep at night, were  there any people in an inn? Why did he leave earlier? Did he see the merchant that morning?  Aksionov surprised with these questions. He described all that was happened last night. Aksionov asked the officer why he asked these questions as if he had robbed the merchant. The officer said that there was murderer of a merchant in an inn where Aksionov was also stayed. The dead body of merchant had been found at an inn's room with his throat cut. The officer searched in Aksionov's  luggage and found a  blood-stained knife in his luggage. Aksionov trembled with fear. 

He was charged for murdering the merchant and even robbing twenty-thousand roubles from him. Aksionov was arrested and sent in prison. He was charged for murdering the merchant and even robbing twenty-thousand roubles from him.

His wife came there to meet him along with her small kids. She got permission to meet her husband from the official after begging much. When she saw her husband among the criminals and thieves in criminal's dress, she fainted for a long time. Then she drew her children to her and sat down near him. She asked him what was happened that day. He replied that what was happened and added that he was not the convict.  She reminded him about the bad dream when he hadn't have started journey that day. She planned to go on petition the Czar not to let an innocent man perish. He didn't reply, but looked down cast.  She gently touched his hair and requested him to tell the truth. She again asked who the murderer was.  

Aksionov wept when his own wife raised a suspicious question to him. Aksionov said good-bye to his family for the last time. For him, God was the only one to expect for mercy. He was tortured severely there. Aksionov was sent to a Siberian prison for twenty- six years to work in the mines. His hair and beard turned white and grey. He walked slowly, spoke very little and never laughed. He learnt to make boots and earned money. He bought a book named "The Lives of the Saints". He used to read the chapter in the dim light of the cell and every Sunday he used to read and sing the chapter at the church. 

His fellow prisoners respected him and called him Grandfather or the Saint. Prisoners would go to him for justice if there were fights in the prison. He spent his every single day in God's devotion and on the way of truth.

 One day, a gang of new prisoners came to the prison. Among those prisoners, one was

Makar Semyonich. He was a tall, strong man of about sixty with grey hair. He related his story to others about his arrest in horse stealing case. He was also from Vladimir.  He didn't recognize Aksionov. Aksionov  asked him about a person whose name is Aksionov who lived in vlasimir. Marker told that they are rich and their father Mr. Aksionov was in Siberia as a sinner like themselves. Marker asked about grandfather, but he didn't like to tell anything about himself. Other prisoners told his case that he was accused of killing a merchant. A police officer found a blood stained knife in his luggage. Since then he was passing days in prison. Marker got exclaimed, after hearing the story. He asked grandpa how he was so old. Aksionov wonder whether this man knew who had killed the merchant, or heard who killed the merchant, or the Marker was the killer of the merchant.

Aksionov couldn't get to sleep that night after hearing Makar's words. He felt sure that Makar was the person who killed the merchant. He kept on thinking about his family, his long time sufferings and so on. After months of knowing each other, Aksionov discovered that Makar is the one who killed the merchant from Ryazan. He was quite angry with Makar but didn't speak a word about it.

 One night, Aksionov discovered Makar digging a tunnel under his sleeping shelf. Makar threatened him not to tell a word otherwise he would kill him. Aksionov didn't bother about Makar's threatful words. Next day, soldiers discovered the tunnel. The governor arrived to question the prisoners but no one spoke a word about the tunnel. When Aksionov was asked about the tunnel, he also denied saying about Semyonich. 

That night Makar quietly came to Aksionov. Makar begged for forgiveness. He confessed the truth and told that he killed the merchant and wanted to kill Aksionov too but heard a noise outside and hide the knife into his bag and escaped out of the window. Makar knelt upon the ground and again asked for forgiveness. Aksionov told that there was no worth of forgiveness because he suffered long, his life was in the end stage, his wife was died, his children will not know him.  Marker admitted confessing his crime to the governor. Makar didn't rise, bent his head on the floor and wept for his forgiveness. Aksionov even wept along with Makar. Aksionov felt his heart lighter. He longed to stay in prison. When the order for his release came Aksionov was already died in prison. 

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